Protein rich recovery spread

Protein rich recovery spread

Try out this easy and delicious after-workout spread. Finishes quickly even after a workout and tastes insanely good with fruits, vegetables, rice cakes or bread. This recipe is originally made with PULS reco powder vanilla, but it works well with our non-flavored and double-chocolate versions.

1/2 scoop of Puls Reco Recovery Powder (Vanilla)
1 tsp peanut butter
Splash of milk of your choice 

Measure ½ scoop of PULS recovery powder into a bowl with a vanilla flavor. Add peanut butter and a splash of milk of your choice. Mix to a smooth paste. The paste is perfect for a post-workout snack, such as dipping fruit or on top of rice cakes.

Jutta Rantanen / Aveline Creative Oy

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